SI4SI aims at creating a Smart Living Environment

SI4SI aims at creating a Smart Living Environment, feeding an AI-based system to identify different levels of isolation symptoms. Thanks to an AI Advisor, SI4SI improves decision making support while suggesting personalised activities to both Seniors and Caregivers. Furthermore, the AI Advisor feeds a Collaborative Application for Caregivers and a Smart Tablet (able to support both Video and Vocal interaction) which allows the caregivers and health practitioners can also interact with the seniors, sending input to the Tablet.


Social isolation and chronic loneliness occurs when feelings of loneliness and uncomfortable isolation go on for a long period of time.


Create a bridge between seniors and young people supporting them in wisdom transfer


Provide opportunities to seniors to be again involved in the leisure and social activities with volunteers supporting SME as advisors


Put seniors with common experience and skills in touch, creating a background knowledge for some useful domains


Perform community support SI4SI Social Platform (with just Tablet or TV UI)

Project is funded


DSTech is a digital consultancy and ICT solutions provider founded in 2008. An innovative SME based in Rome, Italy, with locations in Milan and Cosenza, DSTech’s main business is to support its customers in the development and maintenance of IT and application infrastructures. Its “Research & Innovation” division is fully dedicated to developing innovative solutions such as new e-commerce services, Semantic Technologies, AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies and Big Data analytics. Currently DsTech has a team of 150 employees (including full-time, consultants and interns) and more than 50 projects in progress. DSTech provides consulting services, application development and IT support, system integration, and supporting clients at every stage of development: from designing the idea to its realization.

GIOMI CARE, a company of the GIOMI S.p.A. Group, deals with health management, personal care services and related services within the Health Care Residences for the Elderly.

GIOMI CARE has made available to the “Residenze Sanitarie per Anziani” e home care services, in addition to its fifty years of know-how in the field of health management, also a computerization aimed at research aspects, exchange of experiences and clinical cases, statistical elaborations and, above all, the possibility of using common protocols in health care practice, the result of continuous comparison between the different structures.

Canary Technology Innovations S.R.L. (CanaryTech) is a SME focused on R&D, with a skilful and competent team with expertise in international projects, aiming to bring products to the global market from research done in both European Union projects and commercial projects. CanaryTech produces robust platforms and ecosystems through software engineering and integration of hardware devices with software services.  The team has been Technical Manager for 3 AAL projects and has proven expertise in Integration of Software Services with Embedded Devices, Cloud, Mobile and Desktop based gateways using state of the art security mechanisms; development of robotic platforms and integration of sensors; Integration of various sensors; etc. Various products and developments from previous projects could be used as a base for the project and tailor to the needs. CanaryTech also offers support to the pilot sites with design of the implementation phases, laboratory testing, follow-up and result delivery.

Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest is one of the best universities of medicine in Romania where medical students can study medicine. The quality of education, the modern didactic equipment, reasonable tuition fees and living costs, attract hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate international medical students every year. Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy is the oldest university of medicine in Romania. Established in 1857 under the name National School of Medicine and Pharmacy by the French expatriate physician, Carol Davila, since December 1989 has become a state university with academic and financial autonomy.

Caretronic – SME – Business Partner – is an experienced developer and manufacturer of NurseCare, advanced IP nurse call system. The main activity of this company is advanced information and communication solutions for hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare organisations. Caretronic has been present on the market since 1991 with roots already in 1962 and has years of experience in IT solutions for health-care facilities, residential environments in domains of nurse call, health-care management, telecare and ambient assisted living. Many health-care and tele-care solutions rolled out in Europe and outside through distributor networks.

si4si pilots


Project cordinator:
[email protected]